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  4. Bar back for Ø 28 mm handlebar

Bar back for Ø 28 mm handlebar H=30 mm. Back 22 mm. Black.

Bar back for Ø 28 mm handlebar

If you're having trouble reaching your handlebars comfortably, consider using a bar back. Our sturdy backs made from aluminum shift the handlebar upward by 30 mm and 21/22 mm to the back. For the rider, that can mean a more relaxed, back-friendly seating position, along with better control of the bike. If you're having trouble reaching your handlebars comfortably, consider using a bar back. Our sturdy backs made from aluminum shift the handlebar upward and to the back. For the rider, that can mean a more relaxed, back-friendly seating position, along with better control of the bike.

  • $103.00

Sales tax not included plus shipping costs

  • In stock

  • Ships within 3-4 days


  • black


    • $103.00
  • silver


    • $72.00

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